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  Indian Hominy
  Category: Side Dishes
  Author: The Savvybearcat
  Date: 1/1/2007
  Hits: 309
2 cup Dried corn kernels
10 cup Water
1 cup Culinary ash -=OR=-
2 tbsp Baking soda
Soak the dried corn overnight in a bowl filled with the cold water.
The following day, put the corn and water into an enameled pot.
(Because the culinary ash reacts with metal, hominy must be processed
in an enameled pot) Cover and bring to a boil over hight heat. When
the water begins to boil, stir in the culinary ash. At this point,
the ash will intensify the color of the kernels. Cover and reduce
heat. Simmer over low heat for about 5 1/2 hours, until the hulls are
loose and the corn returns to its original color. Stir occasionally
and replenish with enough water to cover the corn when necessary, or
it will dry out and burn on the bottom. Under cold running water, rub
corn between fingers to remove hulls, which should be discarded.
Drain corn in a colander. To dry hominy in the traditional manner,
spread the cooked and hulled corn on an open weave basket or screen
and place in full sun, turning the kernels every few hours, until
completely dry. Alternatively, place the kernels on a sheet pan in a
gas oven with the pilot light on, or in an electric oven on the
lowest setting, turning every few hours until dry. (Check by breaking
open a kernel: If there is any moisture inside, keep drying.) Once
propery dried, hominy will keep almost indefinitely without spoilage.
***NOTE*** Culinary ash is made from burning the wood of certain
trees until there is only ash left. Many types of trees and bushes
found in the Southwest can be used; the Navajos use juniper primarily
and the Hopis use green plants such as suwvi or chamisa bushes. The
green twigs, when burned, produce an ash with a high mineral content.
When used in cooking, it increases the food's nutritional value. When
culinary ash is mixed with boiling water and corn,the alkaline level
in the ash reacts with the corn and changes it to a more intense
color. After the water has cooled, the corn changes again - to
something close to its original color. If you live in an area where
culinary ash is difficult to obtain, baking soda can be used as a
substitute, although it doesn't have the high nutritional content of
ash. Substitute 2 tablespoons baking soda for 1 cup ash.
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