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Category: Mexican
Submitted by: Savvybearcat
Rating:Rating 3.3(3.3) by 13 users
Added: 12/4/2016
Hits: 530
Category: Candy
Submitted by: Tem House
Rating:Rating 3.5(3.5) by 2 users
Added: 12/20/2009
Hits: 554
Category: Cassoroles
Submitted by: Ashley Cope
Rating:Rating 4.0(4.0) by 2 users
Added: 11/21/2008
Hits: 594
Category: UC - Taste of Home
Submitted by: Ashley Cope
Rating:Rating 1.5(1.5) by 8 users
Added: 9/21/2007
Hits: 2392
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 3.5(3.5) by 4 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 665
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 3.0(3.0) by 6 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 626
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 3.4(3.4) by 5 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 639
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 3.7(3.7) by 3 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 694
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 3.0(3.0) by 6 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 672
Category: Ground Beef
Submitted by: Ashley
Rating:Rating 2.8(2.8) by 8 users
Added: 1/1/2007
Hits: 766
  Total Recipes: 70 - Showing Page: 1 of 7
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Category: Diabetic
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